In a small town, a family named Kumar’s lived happily, the head of the family had a small business, with their only son and a small bungalow. Behind the bungalow lived his driver call Rehman, he was little arrogant but honest and kind hearted and dedicated to his master. He was always interested in baksheesh from his master but never received one. The place were he lived was a little garage with his three little daughters.
Rehman used to take master’s son Chinto, everyday to school and back home and treated him like his son. Rehman used to take Chinto to park’s, Garden’s and playarea every evening.
The Kumar’s were doing well in business, slowly everything grew big, the house the kids, cars and the driver’s garage too. The Kumar’s where very gentle by heart so Rehman’s big family got extended garage and the family remained happy with master’s kindness. The whole family got dedicated to Kumar’s service. Still Rehman was expecting baksheesh from Kumar family, he did not get it. One day the grown up Chinto was driven by his driver, stop suddenly in the middle of the road and asked him Master never gave me baksheesh for my loyalty till date, chinto looked up and said keep driving you will get it.
Soon it was marriage time of Rehman daughter’s and he did not have any money for the huge expense, but Mr Kumar gave lumpsum of amount for each daughter and got three daughters married off happily.
It was old age time, chinto took over the control of the business, and Rehman was quite old to drive, chinto asked him to retire and stay at the garage whatever time he wishes. Few years later daughters used to visit their ailing father in the garage, Chinto took care of the loyal driver till his death. After his death he named the garage as Rehman Manzil, which was the big baksheesh given to Rehman after his death.
The story sound fiction, but this relationship does not exist nowadays.
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